Responsible Gambling

As a community organisation Tradies is committed to providing a safe and responsible environment for all members and guests.

Whilst gambling is an enjoyable part time for the majority of Australians, Tradies recognises the potential dangers that gambling presents for some people. Unfortunately for some people gambling extends beyond the point of an enjoyable form of entertainment into a gambling problem. People with gambling problems can experience financial issues as well as negative consequences in other areas of their life including their relationships with family and friends, health, employment and even legal issues.

What is Tradies doing to prevent and help problem gambling?


Rather than simply satisfy legislative requirements and refer patrons to the Gambling Help referral service, patrons of Tradies have access to BetSafe comprehensive 24 hour counselling service.

BetSafe is not a referral service; they employ experienced counsellors and provide free assistance to patrons of Tradies through face-to-face counselling as well as over the phone. BetSafe is one of the few counselling services in NSW to provide face-to-face appointments outside of business hours (evenings and weekends) as well as during business hours. BetSafe also has no limits on the number of free sessions provided to patrons – this means that they will do everything they can to help patrons overcome problems relating to gambling.

Counselling is the most effective form of help for problem gambling. It allows people to address any underlying issues and mistaken beliefs to minimise the likelihood of the problem re-emerging. Should you or anyone you know need wish to arrange a free and confidential counselling appointment please contact BetSafe’s 24 hour helpline on 1800 BETSAFE (1800 238 723).

BetSafe offers patrons of Tradies complete confidentiality and does not share any personal information regarding counselling sessions with the Club.


Self-exclusion allows a problem gambler to remove the temptation to gamble by restricting their access to gambling. If you would like to arrange to be self-excluded you can do so through one of the following methods:

  1. speaking to any member of staff at any Tradies venue at any time of day;
  2. contacting BetSafe on 1800 BETSAFE (1800 238 723) and arranging an appointment
  3. using BetSafe’s online self-exclusion website by visiting

Help for family members

Tradies recognises that problem gambling not only affects the individual with the problem but also family members and other people that are close to the person. It is very common for family members of problem gamblers to be under a lot of stress as they are the ones who need to deal with a lot of the issues stemming from the gambling problem. BetSafe’s counselling service can help family members in dealing with these issues and provide effective strategies on how they can get the problem gambler to seek help.

Tradies is also one of the few venues in NSW to have formalised procedures in place for Third Party Exclusions. Tradies can arrange to have a problem gambler excluded from gambling if a family member can provide evidence to support their claims. The counsellors at BetSafe can help family members in obtaining the necessary evidence to arrange for a Third Party Exclusion.

Staff training

All staff employed in a gaming capacity at venues throughout NSW are required by law to undertake the Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG) course. This course covers the legislative requirements for venues and staff members in relation to the provision of gambling services.

In addition to this Tradies employees undergo additional training which is provided by BetSafe. Staff are generally trained on a biennial basis to ensure staff are equipped to respond to any requests for assistance. These additional courses are club specific and ensure staff are made aware of the additional forms of help available to patrons of Tradies and the best ways of accessing help.

Voluntary Pre Commitment

Tradies offers members the option to restrict their gaming machine expenditure via voluntary pre commitment. This involves fixing a maximum limit on losses before the commencement of play. This option is available to all patrons and can be arranged by speaking with a Tradies staff member.

Independent advice

BetSafe is an organisation developed specifically to help and minimise problem gambling in the community. It is independent of the gambling and anti-gambling lobbies and, therefore, it is committed to ensuring that the best interests of problem gamblers are looked after at all times.

To remove any perceived conflict of interest that may arise from the Club dealing with problem gambling related incidents, Tradies seeks the advice of BetSafe on the best way to respond to individual incidents that may indicate that a patron has a gambling problem. This may include involuntarily excluding a patron from gambling at the Club if there is clear evidence to indicate that they have a gambling problem.

Policies & procedures

Tradies has adopted and implemented BetSafe’s comprehensive policies and procedures to deal with responsible gambling and problem gambling related matters. These policies and procedures cover everything from credit betting to dealing with gamblers who leave minors unattended to the advertising of gambling.

By following these comprehensive set of policies and procedures ensures that the Club is not just satisfying its legislative requirements but also any community concern surrounding the provision of gambling services.

Additional signage & information

The Club is required by law to display signage throughout the Club promoting responsible gambling and support services to problem gamblers. In addition to this Tradies displays additional signs, brochures and cards to further promote our commitment to responsible gambling and ensure information is readily available to any patron that may need assistance.