Dress Code Update

Thongs and similar loose fitting footwear are not allowed in Tradies venues.

Endorsed by our Board of Directors as essential to patron safety and minimising financial risk, thereby ensuring the ongoing financial viability of your club. Thank you for your understanding and support of our staff in upholding this policy.


Why was this implemented?

Recently we were forced to pay a very significant sum for an incident that occurred on Council land and was completely out of our control. This change in dress regulations is essential to keep patrons safe, to minimise financial risk to the club and to help ensure financial viability into the future.

Why respond to a one-off incident?

We are certainly not trying to be the “fun police”, however the cost of doing business and specifically maintaining a safe environment for patrons and staff is escalating unsustainably. The combination of insurance premiums and their prohibitive cost, security requirements, the fact that many people are simply refusing to accept any level of personal responsibility, and many peoples’ first reaction being to pass blame and seek compensation, is creating a tense and complex environment for all businesses. The extreme cost of these measures is forcing many businesses to close their doors.

But isn’t wearing thongs part of Aussie culture?

We ask for your understanding in this situation and that you continue to support our staff in upholding this change. Most members have been very understanding and supportive of this decision. However, disappointingly, some have responded poorly. Any poor conduct toward or abuse of our staff will not be tolerated.